Quick Mix (2,000 MG Delta-8 THC Water Soluble Powder)

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In The News:

GramCo's Quick Mix was recently featured on Heavy.com as an Editor's Pick top cannabis product

Key Features:

  • Odorless and tasteless water soluble powder for use food and beverage
  • Rapid onset of potent effects (typically less than 30 minutes)
  • Total: 2,000 mg Delta-8 water soluble powder per container
  • Scoop: active 20 mg Delta-8 THC
  • Child resistant packaging

Whether at home or on the go, GramCo’s Quick Mix is the perfect, discreet delivery system for all your Delta-8 THC needs.  Quick Mix is a nano-encapsulated Delta-8 water soluble powder that is tasteless and odorless.  GramCo’s Delta-8 Quick Mix can be used in a variety of ways to provide you with a fast-acting high that is as potent as you’d like it to be.  If your tolerance for THC is higher, simply add additional scoops of Quick Mix to achieve the desired effects.

GramCo’s Quick Mix can be used in numerous food and beverage preparations, including:

  • Beverages - juice, coffee, tea, lemonade, as a replacement for alcohol in mixers, and more
  • Cooking and Baking - cookies, brownies, cakes, soups, breads, and more
  • Food Preparation - sauces, chocolate syrup, maple syrup, icing, whipped cream, and more

For instructions on how to use the mix and recipes using our Delta8 THC water soluble powder, such as Delta-8 Brownies, click here.

Concentration: 10%, meaning 10% of the total weight of the powder is active Delta 8 (e.g., 1 gram of powder equals 100 mg of Delta 8).

Suggested Use: Add the intended amount of active Delta-8 to your food or beverage, mix until completely incorporated (a minimum of 1 minute), then enjoy!  It is both advised and best to use a digital scale that can read at least to the tenth of a gram, if not the hundredth of a gram, if you want to be as accurate as possible.


You may consult a physician before using this product.

Not mixing well enough or long enough may lead to an uneven distribution of Delta-8 THC in your food or beverage. Please use caution in the preparation of any food or beverage using Delta-8 THC water soluble powder, particularly if using multiple scoops in a single food or beverage product.

Do not use if pregnant, nursing, or if you have any diagnosed or undiagnosed health conditions. Must be 21 years or older to purchase or use. Must be legal in your state or territory to purchase or use.

Do not drive or operate any heavy machinery while using this product.

Store with the top fully closed in a dark, cool, and dry area of your house.

Store away from children, ideally in a locked cabinet or closet out of the reach of any children.


  • Retail boxes hold 6 individual units


Customer Reviews

Based on 44 reviews
THC Powder

Opened the bag that it came in . The bottle had no plastic or safety wrap around it and it was almost empty . I did write to the Company and they were going to send another one out for free . Unfortunately, I haven’t received the new one says it processing order been over a week and no shipping date . I don’t think they are sending it out . I wouldn’t buy from the company again if they don’t send it out! If they do then I would definitely order from them . Time will tell .

Paula Crabb

I absolutely love this.

I’ll be ordering more

I took this with a glass of juice and it worked great for me. I was able to quiet my mind down enough to not feel overwhelmed and I got so many things done at home. I also got an incredible nights sleep. I will be ordering more!


Great product, thanks!

T. Wolfe
Really like the versatility

I really like this product’s versatility. There is a slight after taste but not overwhelming. I would love to see it in flavors and different sizes.

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